Life transitions may sometimes feel like a crisis and when the tools that once worked no longer works, we may begin to feel a sense of hopelessness and helplessness. Some may find themselves experiencing the dark night of the soul. F. Scott Fitzgerald beautifully wrote "In a real dark night of the soul it is always three o'clock in the morning, day after day."
This is the moment in our lives when we must decide whether we want to continue to walk the path that no longer feels right or we must find the courage to carve a new path that is unfamiliar and unpaved. Beginning a new path may require that we let go of a dream that was so right initially, but is no longer right for you, or a relationship that has run its course, and even the comfort and familiarity of the pain, which may have carried a deep meaning for you. Often times our emotional pain triggers our brain to activate our fight-flight-freeze response and we feel physical pain - we may find ourselves feeling stuck and frozen with fear; run away and avoid the crisis; or act out in anger.
Maria works to create a safe space so that clients are able to find the courage to tolerate the emotional pain that is inherent in challenging times. When clients are able to tolerate their pain, they will find the courage to look at what was once too painful to acknowledge, and decide how they can begin to live their authentic life. She provides grounding techniques to deactivate our body's natural response to deal with crisis, so that clients are able to look at their life compassionately and with clarity.
We are able to live our authentic integrated selves when we are honest with ourselves.
Maria specializes in working with adults who have been deeply impacted by childhood wounding or trauma. She works with individuals who have a fire in their heart to break free and truly discover who they really are and those who struggle with issues of depression or severe anxiety.
Maria works extensively with parents and families who are multicultural, multi-generational, and multiracial/multiethnic.